Why you need a MOS bypass switch:Effect of a hot spot
The hot spot effect is a phenomenon that frequently occurs when PV plants are finished and put to service, and it is necessary to understand it before we can grasp MOS bypass switches and bypass diodes. The hot spot effect means
Solar cells that are shaded during real operation of a PV system are unable to produce electricity for a variety of reasons, and in the overall series circuit, the shaded cells are handled as loads (resistors) that draw current from the circuit and release heat. The hot spot effect is the term used to describe the situation whereby a significant amount of heat is produced because the cells are shadowed.
If the hot spot effect is not addressed, photovoltaic cells will burn up under a lot of heat.
Solar cells could sustain severe damage from this effect. The cells that are shaded might use some of the energy that the solar panels that are lit create. In order to prevent the hot spot effect from damaging solar cells, it is common practice to connect a bypass diode in parallel to the positive and negative terminals of the solar cell module. This prevents the energy generated by the lighted module from being consumed by the shaded module.

The dated remedy: a bypass diode
It is customary to incorporate a bypass diode into a PV module to reduce the impacts of partial shade and to boost overall power output.
Although bypass diodes have occasionally shown to be successful, they have the following shortcomings:
Voltage drop: When bypass diodes are activated, a voltage drop occurs that may reduce the PV system's overall efficiency. When a module has a voltage drop, it may provide less power, especially in settings where it is partially shadowed.
Complex shading conditions with limited efficiency: The bypass diode works well when the solar modules are partially shaded. Bypass diodes might not be the ideal choice in situations with more complicated shading that involve many shaded zones. These circumstances may also result in energy loss, which could impair the module's functionality.
Because of this, bypass diodes still have room for improvement in terms of energy efficiency and adaptability, despite being effective in conventional scenarios.

MOS bypass switches are the new remedy
With the introduction of MOS bypass switches, Mason Solar offers a fresh viewpoint on how to make PV modules more effective in shaded conditions. MOS bypass switches provide a few distinct advantages over bypass diodes, including:
Energy efficiency: MOS bypass switches are more energy efficient than two-phase diodes and triodes since they are voltage-controlled devices as opposed to the latter two's current-controlled counterparts.
High efficiency: MOS bypass switches have a better rate of energy conversion than bypass diodes. Even in complex shading settings, their design and features limit performance loss. As a result, the system generates more power and performs better overall.
Rapid adaptation: MOS bypass switches are quick to adjust to changes in light and dark due to their short response time. With this flexibility, power generation is guaranteed to continue without interruption, and shadow effects on module performance are reduced.
Flexibility: MOS bypass switches can be separately integrated into each unit or set of units, unlike bypass diodes that function in certain areas of the module. The potential for power generation is maximized and shadowing effects can be managed more precisely because to this flexibility.
Reliability: MOS bypass switches are more thermally stable and less prone to overheat since only the majority of current carriers participating in the conductivity are present in them, as opposed to the majority and minority of current carriers involved in the conductivity in two diodes and triodes. The PV module's improved dependability and longer lifespan are both influenced by this attribute.

The use of MOS bypass switches by Maysun
You'll have a better product experience using Maysun's MOS tube in place of the bypass diode:
Increase power production: MOS bypass switches increase the power that the PV module generates when it is shaded, making it safer and more energy-efficient to use the PV module while it is shaded.
Only one junction box is required: MOS bypass switch installation eliminates the requirement for a junction box in the module, leaving only the junction box with lead wires on both ends. As a result, only one junction box is necessary.
Greater durability: MOS bypass switches' endurance is increased by the fact that they are more compact than other diodes and triodes and that they can be bundled with the assembly for better protection.
More adaptable: MOS bypass switches are more suited for use as electrical switches since they can conduct in both the forward and the reverse orientations, maximizing power output.

A considerable improvement in maximizing the efficiency of PV modules under shading conditions has been made by Maysun Solar by switching bypass diodes out for MOS bypass switches. Despite the fact that bypass diodes are a tried-and-true method with benefits of their own, MOS bypass switches are more effective, have a higher rate of energy conversion, and are more flexible and appropriate for challenging shading situations.
VenuSun products with MOS bypass switches will be readily available in the near future as Maysun Solar has been concentrating on the development of various solar modules since 2008. With creative thinking that challenges convention, Maysun Solar will continuously work toward greater advancement in the photovoltaic sector.